Posts Tagged ‘the dude’

You Inspire Me: The Dude

January 27, 2009

The Dude’s sartorial choices are noteworthy for the exact same reason the character has become a cult icon; he just doesn’t care. From the first moment I saw him, in his tattered robe and who-knows-the-last-time-they-were-washed sweat pants, I longed to achieve the same level of insouciance. Much like Margot Tenenbaum, The Dude has a very personal, highly identifiable style. This style (or at least, vibe) has become unavoidable on the streets on NYC — many work laboriously to achieve the same devil-may-care look, but  to The Dude, it’s all natural.

I’m not typically a grunge type of girl; perhaps it’s the slouch that appeals to me here. Fashion inspiration comes from the unlikeliest places (in this case, a California burn-out) not because we desire an exact duplicate of a certain person/character’s wardrobe, but because we take a liking to their way of approaching clothing. Some days, I’d like to grab random pieces and wear them with the same abandon.

Such an icon.